
(647) 471-6542


By Appointment Only

“The body is held together by sound. The presence of disease indicates that some sounds have gone out of tune” Deepak Chopra

tibetan singing bowl in cozy room
Photo by Charlotte May on

This is a deeply relaxing and beneficial session that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and energized. When sound waves reach our ears, they are converted into electrical signals that travel up the auditory nerve into the auditory cortex, the part of the brain that processes sound. Once sound waves reach our brains, they trigger responses in our bodies. This process alters our emotions, releases hormones and chemicals that affect our bodies and our moods, and triggers certain impulses such as singing and dancing.

Sound therapy helps with:
• anxiety disorders
• depression
• post-traumatic stress disorder
• dementia
• autism and learning difficulties
• behavioral and psychiatric disorders
• cancer

Sound healing also helps to:
• lower stress
• decrease mood swings
• lower blood pressure
• lower cholesterol levels
• lower risk for coronary artery disease and stroke
• improve sleep