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photo of woman posing during golden hour
Photo by Eternal Happiness on

A message of hope during these chaotic times:

We seem to find ourselves in quite a pickle these days with all the chaos going on in the world, but I’m here to tell  you all that things aren’t always as they seem  as there is a silver (and gold!) lining in all of this craziness.

Over the past couple years, many of you have heard me talk about the massive changes that are coming to this world and that we would be seeing   frightening and uncertain times. The SARS-CoV-2 virus and all the fall-out that’s resulting from it are the beginnings of these changes, so uncertainty is the new norm for us for the next little while.

 It’s important for you all to understand that what we’re witnessing is the dismantling of an old world that kept the planet and humanity  securely ensnared in a state of suffering, stress and enslavement for eons which if not healed,  eventually leads to stagnation, illness and death.  Generations have lived and passed from that world of darkness with each subsequent generation more ensnared than the last. 

There’s a new healing energy that’s been sweeping across the world, affecting all in its path and it’s shaking us all awake. Each one of you reading this has seen the effects of this new energy in your own lives over the past 7ish years. It is an energy of transformation in the form of death and rebirth/ destruction and creation and we are in the very early stages of this divine process so we witness the fall of societies, the medical system, the political system and the financial system, just to name a few of the old  world institutions that have helped keep humanity in a state of suffering and enslavement.

However, the sky is always darkest just before the dawn and the destruction we are now witnessing heralds a healing process that this world has never seen before. It  brings with it love, compassion, support, unity,  happiness & health that most  can’t even conceive of right now. People will start opening their minds to access the other 90% of their brain power that we can’t currently access, so this means in part, that psychic abilities come online as more people start activating their clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant abilities. There will be no more illness because we’ll know how to stop dis-ease from settling in the mind and body and there will be no more hunger, because the world will be a place where no man, woman, child  or animal is left behind to fend  for themselves as we will carry each other through. This is what love does, that is what love is. These changes will take some time to fully manifest but first, we must witness the destruction of all that harms the earth and her inhabitants.

Of course it’s  important to take the usual safety and hygienic precautions to avoid contracting this virus but what’s just as effective is keeping your vibe high, staying positive and helping those around you whenever and where ever you can. Check up on your neighbors and help those who need it with grace because as you help and protect the people and the world around you, the world will help and protect you as well. I call that KARMA at its finest!

I’m available to anyone who is feeling afraid or stressed or if anyone just needs to talk or vent. Call, text, email or message me on Facebook and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.  I’m also still available for in person, telephone and online sessions if you’d like some deeper insight into how these changes are affecting you energetically and physically and what you can expect from them in the very near future.

Stay safe, stay healthy and remember, you are not and you never have been ALONE (= ALL ONE = one with God). Don’t ever forget that YOU are the master of your world, not the victim of it!

Peace n Love All, Denise